78 years of family fun

 Become a Cranberry Festival Sponsor

Each Cranberry Festival Event needs sponsors. Play a role in supporting the Bandon Community and sponsor the event of your choice. Together, we can ensure the Bandon Cranberry Festival remains one of the longest-running festivals on the Oregon Coast!

Read on to learn more about Bandon Cranberry Festival Sponsorship Opportunities.


To become a Major Cranberry Festival Sponsor, please contact the Bandon Chamber of Commerce. Limited opportunities exist. 

To become a Music Sponsor, Cranberry Court Sponsor, or Festival Friend, the Chamber can now accept your sponsorship payment online. Multiple opportunities exist. Pick your sponsorship level, then visit our Cranberry Festival Sponsorship page on Zeffy.com 

Sign Up Now to Become a Music, Court, or Festival Friend Sponsor

Music Sponsor – $500.00

This year, the festival has two main stages, strategically located at the heart of Bandon City Park and in Bandon Old Town. Music Sponsors will enjoy high visibility, with their logos featured on a banner prominently displayed on the main stages for the duration of the event. The entertainment lineup is carefully curated to cater to diverse tastes, inviting festival-goers to listen and dance to their heart’s content. The audience is expected to be dynamic, with many repeat visitors adding to the vibrant atmosphere of the festival.

Sponsor Package Includes:

  • Promotional announcements made from the main stage throughout the weekend
  • Placement of your organization’s logo on the Music Sponsors’ banner, prominently featured in the main stage area throughout the festival
  • Recognition of sponsorship and a link to sponsor’s website on the Cranberry Festival website
  • Access to Cranberry Court members as community ambassadors to promote your business
  • Prime positioning of your logo on the festival program and promotional materials circulated throughout Bandon and across the state
  • A commemorative plaque featuring a photo of Cranberry Court alongside your name, recognizing you as a festival sponsor, perfect for display at your business


Cranberry Court Sponsor – $325.00

The Cranberry Court offers Juniors from Bandon area high schools an exceptional opportunity to earn scholarships, develop valuable life skills, and serve as ambassadors for the Cranberry Festival. Throughout the year, Court members will engage in numerous public appearances across Coos County. Additionally, they will receive training to hone their public speaking abilities, as well as craft and execute a community service platform. This journey culminates in the prestigious Court Ceremony, where they will vie for the honor of being crowned Cranberry Queen or King at the Cranberry Court Coronation.

Sponsor Package Includes:

  • Recognition of sponsorship on the Cranberry Festival website
  • Access to Cranberry Court members as community ambassadors to promote your business
  • Your logo on the festival program and promotional materials circulated throughout Bandon and across the state
  • A commemorative plaque featuring a photo of Cranberry Court alongside your name, recognizing you as a festival sponsor, perfect for display at your business


Festival Friend – $200.00

Being a Festival Friend offers you the chance to play a part in the success of this year’s event.

Sponsor Package Includes:

  • Recognition of sponsorship on the Cranberry Festival website