Holy Trinity Catholic Church’s Capital Funding Campaign Portends a Bright Future
To address the evolving needs of the community, Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Bandon has initiated a capital funding campaign to raise $2.3 million. The campaign, titled “A Light by the Sea Since 1883,” seeks to secure the required funds for the construction of a new church, ensuring a bright future for the congregation.

A Timeless Beacon of Faith and Community in Bandon
Since its establishment in 1883, Holy Trinity Catholic Church has played a vital role in our beloved Bandon community. For 140 years, this beacon of faith has strengthened our tight-knit coastal town and provided solace to both residents and visitors alike. Through moments of adversity and uncertainty, as well as during joyous occasions such as baptisms, weddings, and anniversaries, the church has served as a sanctuary for worship, prayer, and spiritual growth.
Nestled atop a hill overlooking Old Town Bandon and the majestic Pacific Ocean, Holy Trinity Catholic Church offers a serene and breathtaking setting for reflection and renewal of faith. It stands as a testament to the church’s persistent devotion and the enduring beauty of our community.
The original structure, swiftly erected in a mere five months after the devastating 1936 Bandon fire, has dutifully served the community for numerous years, effectively fulfilling its requirements. Nonetheless, the time has arrived to elevate the Church to modern standards and codes, ensuring its conformity while preserving its historical significance.
Building for the Future
In 2022, Reverend Anthony Ahamefule established a Building Committee to develop a visionary master plan for a new church. Subsequently, in the spring of 2023, the parish organized a Town Hall meeting, aptly named the “Forum of the Faithful,” to gather valuable input from all parishioners regarding a potential capital funding campaign for the construction of a new church.
The committee extensively evaluated the prospect of renovating the existing church. However, it was determined that the costs associated with remodeling, even without expanding the church’s size, would likely surpass the expenses of constructing a new church. After careful consideration, the committee decided to construct a new church, ensuring a place of worship that would cater to the needs of the community for the next century and beyond.
Combining Tradition and Growth for the Community
During the formulation of the master plan, the Building Committee’s goal was to design a new church that not only maintains the essence of the existing facility but also provides the essential resources to accommodate the growing demands of the parish and the neighboring communities.
Upon completing the capital funding campaign and obtaining the necessary approvals and permits from city, county, and Archdiocesan officials, the parish plans to begin construction on the new Church in the late summer or early fall 2024. The church’s dedication and grand opening is scheduled for fall 2025.
Help Bring The Vision to Life
To make this plan a reality, the parish kindly requests the community’s assistance in spreading the word and providing financial support.
For additional information about the capital campaign, please visit the “A Light By The Sea Since 1883” campaign website.
To make a gift, visit the Capital Campaign Donation page or use the QR code.

If you have any questions about the capital campaign or the parish community, please call the parish office at 541-329-0697.
“Our Vision” Feature image rendering courtesy of HGE Architects, Inc., Coos Bay, Oregon